Have you received your blue Belastingdienst envelope yet?

All of us here in the Netherlands pay taxes and there’s no escaping it.

So the first part of doing your income tax is finding all the documents you need, and this is where most people get stuck because they can’t find anything else from last year.

So get all your statements together!

1 – Jaaropgave – A statement showing how much you’ve received during the year and how much tax you’ve already paid.

2 – Annual Bank Statement – Statement showing how much you had in savings and current accounts in 2020.

3 – Mortgage Statement – Statement showing the amount outstanding and the total interest paid.

4 – Retirement and Investment Statement – Statement that shows how much you have invested, what the returns were and dividends paid.

5 – Debt Statements – Statement showing the amount of outstanding debts and debts paid.

6 – Academic Course Receipts

7 – Medical Expenses – Only medical expenses above your deductible, i.e. expenses that were not covered by your risk eigen.

8 – Donations – Only donations made to an AMBI-certified institution.

9 – Expenses for buying your own home – Only if you bought your home last year, separate receipts for consultancy fees, brokerage fees and notary fees for the mortgage deed. 

10 – WOZ waarde – Log on to https://www.wozwaardeloket.nl/ to check the value of your house.

11 – Amounts paid and received in alimony to your ex-spouse.

These are the details you need, I know it takes a while to print them out, sort them out and find all the receipts, but this is the most important part!

Don’t forget that you have until May 1st to do it! I’ll keep giving you more tips soon!

Do you have any questions about income tax?

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